You can improve your rating by asking happy customers to post positive reviews for your small business.

How to Boost Your Google Rating & Get Consistent 5 Star Reviews 1 090117

Reviews are the new word of mouth for any business. Customers searching online who don’t know your business rely on what others have said about it to make decisions.

The trouble is that most of the time customers are only motivated enough to post a review when they have a poor experience and want to vent. We’ve all seen angry reviews left by disgruntled customers. These certainly can be frustrating, but the occasional negative review shouldn’t scare you away from taking advantage of the marketing power of positive reviews.

Do you have happy customers? How do you know? If you’re hearing from satisfied customers then you need to get those positive reviews online. But how exactly do you get your customers to post their positive feedback?

Turning Customer Satisfaction Into Five-Star Reviews

One of the challenges with getting customers to leave reviews is that it’s cumbersome for them to do so. How do you tell them to search for you on Google, click to leave a review, sign in to Google, and then leave feedback about their experience? You can ask them when you see them, but 99% of the time if they don’t pull out their phone right there and then they aren’t going to do it at all.

What if you could just send them a link in an email, on social media or in a text? Wouldn’t that be easier?

That’s exactly what we did. We created a link that connects reviews to our Google My Business page and added the link to their email signature with a note: “Are you happy with my service? Let me know at this link!”

We used the same technique that we use for our customers—yes, you can do the exact same thing. We talk with our customers every day, so we decided the best solution was to have us gather reviews. After all, we have great relationships with our customers. In most small businesses, the same will be true of whoever is on the front lines and dealing with your customers—sometimes this is the business owner themselves.

The unique thing about our service us that we can help gather reviews with a shareable link you can send to anyone, anywhere online. Even better, you can decide where the reviews should be posted. Since we needed to refresh our outdated reviews on Google, we decided to push all of our reviews to our Google My Business.